Become a Genius Kid
Be creative !

Here are new answers to grow your creativity. After writing, it is about singing, conceiving around or playing accessible music, in order to flourish. When we create, we understand each other by our truth’s research. This book allows you to be interested about creativity, giving you the way to become or stay creative. You can then become more ingenious than an engineer, as interested and philosophical as an artist, as Plato conceived it.

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Create a Workshop
Creative Common by SA License
Article published on 22 September 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

To create a workshop is to tell for group of people about a theme. This theme was chosen writing the ideas. You have to understand the listener. So you have to ask him questions, whom to talk to. We know that we are the most accessible to beginners when we learn. To know how to explain is essential. It can be learned with very different people.

There are inexhaustible sources on the web to create your workshop. Framabook gives you the opportunity to print documents on computer science and engineering., Gallica, Wikisource and Wikibooks expose books. Sign language can be transmitted through the web, in workshops, without necessarily knowing it. It must be observed, however, to explain. One can also learn to play or create, with an instrument or tool. When you learn, you have to design your workshops. It is at this moment that the beginner can better understand.

There is a degree for a beginner to receive information. This is valid also the same while reading. We learn to dose information with dialogue.

It is necessary to think about checking the diffusion’s licenses of the documents, serving as base. This makes it possible to know if the workshop can be done.

A website of outings makes it possible to test his workshop. You can also consult your neighborhood house, an association. The essential thing is to find yourself there.

While creating workshops, we exchange essential daily life’s elements. The chosen theme is studied at length, with people perhaps more competent than himself. You, you will have dared. They may do as you do.

From ’How to write stories’.

My Notes

Set up a workshop around your chosen environment. You must have written, then have asked to read writings, around you, then being interested to transmit...

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